Famine Relief Efforts Update

A letter from Isaac our Operations Manager in Karamoja:

Dear Selfless Heroes of TCI ,

As I have been seated down to write this appreciation letter, I feel my heart overflowing with gratitude and joy for the children and elderly of Moroto. We see this every time we are interacting with the communities we serve and in this food run I saw the greatest smile of children and grandmothers and on behalf of these souls. I would wish to express my deepest thanks to each and every one of you who have dedicated your time, resources, and love to helping the severely malnourished children and elderly.

Your unwavering commitment to this noble cause is a fountain of hope in a world where darkness often seems to prevail. You have fathered these children and cared for these most vulnerable individuals that without your help they would be lost in desperation for continuing to live.

Your tireless efforts to provide sustenance, care, and compassion to those struggling to survive are a testament to the goodness of humanity. You are the ones who rush in where others fear to tread, who hold the hands of the forgotten, and who wipe away the tears of the broken. Your selflessness has given hope to those who had lost it, strength to those who were weak, and a chance at life to those who were on the brink of giving up on a chance to see the next day.

Thank you for your continued dedication and sacrifice. Surely your unrelenting passion, and your strong belief in worth and dignity of every human life is creating a palpable impact in these communities.

I can boldly say that YOU are the change-makers, the game-changers, and the souls you are touching here in Karamoja, Uganda are grateful forever! Your work is a wave of love, kindness, hope that is transforming lives and communities.

You have indeed championed humanity through giving hope to those who were counting days to the end.


For more information see previous blog posts about our previous work! To donate to these efforts use the button below.


Celebrating Wonderful news from Karamoja!!!