“…remember the poor…” Gal 2:10

Partner With Us:

We need your support to sustain our crucial programs in Uganda. Your gift will enable community transformation through:

  • Leadership Building

  • Education for the Poor

  • Teacher Training

  • Sustainable Farming Methods

  • Alternative Livelihoods

  • Water and Sanitation

  • Food Relief

  • Share the Love of Christ

Please join us in this exciting work!

Give Toward Specific Fundraising Campaigns:

Your Donation Makes a Difference for Communities in Uganda!

How Your Donation Really Helps!

Our focus is to help local communities and villagers change negative self-perceptions. Instead of seeing themselves primarily as individuals in need of help, they will see that they are each endowed with gifts and talents, able to use indigenous resources for addressing underdevelopment and realizing their potential.

Phase I of the project will build the skills of TCI-Uganda staff, community leaders, teachers, and students to echo and re-echo the training they receive.

When we see a picture of children without shoes we are moved to give funds immediately and put shoes on their little feet. When we see a “program,” however, it rarely inspires the same compassionate giving. But the program IS compassionate! We believe this Capacity Building project designed by TCI Uganda is truly the way forward for these communities. It is their Dream. The people have identified the problems and have arrived at the solutions themselves. Helping to fund this generation of workshops already underway can put shoes on future generations of Ugandan children. The local leaders see this training as necessary to create a strong foundation for future development projects that will provide not only shoes but also school tuition and food security. We are eager to honor the Ugandans as the real experts in their situation!

Our local TCI staff are very enthusiastic about getting this training out into the villages and are doing an amazing job.

Help poor families engage in alternative income generating enterprise to support their children’s education and basic needs

Each year students are unable to finish the school year because their parents are unable to pay even the low tuition fees required every month. The reason is the lack of income due to varied causes – crop failure, prices for their crops are too low, or a family member gets sick and money intended for tuition is diverted for medical needs. Families are dependent on one source of income that when it fails, they have no alternative to cover their needs. Thus, providing poor families with the opportunity to engage in alternative income-generating activities will help them meet their children’s education needs. Your donations will enable families to engage in an alternative income-generating activity that can supplement the family’s marginal income and help sustain their children’s need to access education.